Computer Related Questions 2023 Best Computer GK for Exams

Computer GK Quiz-7 || Computer GK Important Questions

1. The equipment needed to allow home computers to connect to the internet is called a _______


2. The process of keeping addresses in memory for future use is called___


3. The server on the internet is also known as a_____


4. A user can get files from another computer on the internet by using ____


5. The communication protocol used by internet is _____


6. The first network that planted the seeds of internet was :


7. Which of the following protocol is used for WWW?


8. TCP is a commonly used protocol at ____



9. The first page that you normally view at a website is its:


10. Voice mail, Email, online service, the internet and the  WWW are all example of 


11. Website is a collection of ____


12. Internet is Governed by ____


13. Internet is _____


14. Who developed the C programming language?


15. Which protocol provides E-mail facility among different hosts?


16. The Basic Architecture of  computer was developed by ____


17. In order to tell Excel that we are entering a formula in cell, we must begin with an operator such as 


18. In how many generations a computer can be classified?


19. Fifth generation of computer is based on 


20. Microprocessor was introduced in which generation of computer ?


Computer Related Questions

Welcome to the Computer GK Quiz! The quiz consists of a series of multiple-choice questions that cover a wide range of topics related to computers. You’ll encounter questions about computer hardware, software, programming languages, networking, cybersecurity, and more. Each question will have four possible answers, and you’ll need to select the one you think is correct.

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